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samara.aif.ru: Digital Department of the Future. IT Competencies On-the-Classes

samara.aif.ru: Digital Department of the Future. IT Competencies On-the-Classes

Самарский университет

The “Digital Department” was created under the Program “Priority 2030”

23.04.2024 2024-05-21
In the 21st century, the ability to work in the multidisciplinary format is one of key competencies. Mastering such skills is especially important for future specialists to soon enter the labor market. Therefore, universities proactively implement projects that allow obtaining qualifications in additional areas, simultaneously with studying under the major program.

The digital environment has become integral part of human life, and almost anyone needs to be able to deal with it. Under the Program “Priority 2030”, for improving its students’ skills, Samara University established in 2022 the “Digital Department”.

The second education in the same year

As part of the first enrollment, the University trained 707 students. In 2023, the number of people wishing to obtain additional “digital” qualifications exceeded 2,000, this year 3,000 students will study at the Department.

In the same academic year, in addition to their main qualifications, students receive another – “digital” – one in the field of IT.

“Our students learn to program, manage IT projects, master web development and 3D modeling technologies, additive manufacturing technologies. Training at the digital department is maximally practice-oriented. The best IT companies are involved in developing the educational programs. Along with the University teachers, they participate in the educational process”, explains Rector Vladimir Bogatyrev.

It is important to note that not all Russian universities have opened “Digital Departments”.

“The project is being implemented on the basis of 115 Russian universities, and Samara University is one of them. Students of these universities have an advantage, a unique opportunity for getting additional qualifications for free to increase their competitiveness in the labor market, because digital skills are highly appreciated and even required by employers in many areas”, noted Andrey Gavrilov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

Specialists in great demand are trained here

The “Digital Department” implements 10 training programs distributed in four blocks.

The project “Digital Department” is implemented in the format of additional professional education. If in 2022, 6 programs were implemented, there were 10 of them in 2023. There is a block related to software training. Here the students can learn programming languages, such as JavaScript and 1C, or improve their competencies. Another block is devoted to data analysis, here they study Python and teach how to work with BigData. Since each third student of our University studies in an engineering specialty, there is a separate block “Engineering”. Here they study 3D modeling, computer-aided design, programming CNC-controlled machines, and digital additive technologies.

The last block is the management one, within which two programs are implemented. Under one of them, “Smart Manufacturing”, the students are trained how to manage production at the mechanized and robotic enterprise. The other program is “IT Project Management”: here the students master project management skills at all stages of the project development and implementation, preparation of terms of reference and efficiency evaluation”. It is significant that in 2024, new additional education programs will appear”, says Pavel Chertykovtsev, Head of the “Digital Department”.

Any student can study at the “Digital Department”, full-time or part-time form of education. The only requirement is that one can enter the “Digital Department” being at least a 2nd-year student of the bachelor's degree or the 3rd-year of the specialty.

All the programs are implemented in the mixed format – online and offline. As a rule, 2 hours a week are given for lectures, 4 hours – for practice, it takes place in the evening, at the University or online, depending on the program.

“I enjoyed my studies and results”

It is important that at the “Digital Department”, not only students of Samara University, but also ones from other universities of Russia, learn. For obtaining the diploma of professional retraining, students either defend their projects, or take an exam.

“Studying at the Department gave me the additional document confirming my new qualifications and competencies. I met like-minded people. Our expert teachers provided us not only with theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. Using specific examples, they described how certain tools are applied in practice both in development and management of IT projects. As a result, I managed to create my own project “Handwriting Recognition Application”, successfully develop and enjoy the resulting product”, shared Egor Chitorkin, a graduate of the “Digital Department” in 2022, his impressions.

Qualifications of the “Digital Department”:
  • IT Project Manager;
  • Data Analyst;
  • Web Designer;
  • Frontend Programmer;
  • Frontend Developer;
  • Specialist in Solution Development and Follow-Up on the 1C: Enterprise platform;
  • Specialist in Computer-Aided Design of Technological Processes;
  • Programmer of CNC-controlled Metal Chipping Machines;
  • Programmer of Additive Manufacturing Installations;
  • Specialist in Automated Management Systems for Machine-Building Enterprises.
Source: samara.aif.ru